Monday, March 15, 2010

New Album - Outlaw

Well I had hoped to finish recording all the songs for my new album today, but a head cold is keeping me from that. I'm really excited about this album. I hope to capture what my music is all about with this album. It should capture "Country Music...Delta Style" to the tee. I want this to be the album that really starts getting nationwide attention. I think it's gonna be some of my best work! We will see!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

"Paintin' and Pickin'" in the Heights

Last week I had the pleasure of performing at "By the Glass" ( on Kavanaugh in Little Rock. It's a really cool wine bar in the Heights. For the show they brought in a local artist and a local musician, who was me! They paired me with Barry Thomas ( a nationally known artist from Ferndale, AR. Barry is an incredible artist. The energy in the place was awesome! Barry painted as I performed, and both arts really complimented each other. Barry didn't know what he was going to paint until he started, and he decided to paint a picture of me performing! It was really awesome! It took him about an hour, and he blew it away. There is a picture above of the finished product. If you've ever seen me perform you know he captured how I move with the guitar. It's really cool stuff. When he finished the painting of me, he painted the bar. He was done with that in about 30 minutes. It was quite an experience. I'm gonna use a picture of the painting he did of me for the cover of my next album. I look forward to performing at "By the Glass" and with Barry Thomas again in the future! I hope you will check out there websites. By the Glass' website is Barry Thomas' site is

Pics from the event are shown above.