Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day 364 - "The Road to the Opry" Continues

Last night was a blast!! It's not everyday you get to perform on your birthday, but I got the privilege last night! Lakeshore Cafe was a blast! The place was full, and the crowd was energetic! I was going to try to list everybody, but I'm scared I would leave someone out. It was great to have everybody out! We had birthday cake, balloons, and everything! Thanks to my Mom, sister, girlfriend, neice, nephew, and John Patrick for the cake and balloons! Terry Swilley came out and played harmonica with me. It sure is nice to have that harmonica. It adds so much to the music. It was a great way to start off the "Road to the Opry" tour. It gives me more confidence as we take on this task. When I woke up this morning the first thing that went through my head was, "I've got 364 days to make this happen!". We've gotten lots of encouragement on this mission.

Some comments were:
"I will be cheering you on at thr Grand Ole Opry on Oct 1, 2011!"
"Good luck, Ben!! I know you can do it!"
"That would certainly be the one time in my life I would pay extra for front row tickets! Can't wait to see you there!"
"I know it's gonna happen 4 y'all!"
"that is so awesome, you have a great tallent and the opry will be lucky to have you on that stage."
"We will be there to see you play the Opry"

We've also had donations on the website! It's really gettin peoples attention, and it's only been one day! Looking forward to seeing what tomorrow brings!

Day 364

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