Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I saw the light

If you've ever been to one of my shows and stayed till the end you've heard me end with "I saw the Light". The old Hank Williams classic is one of my favorite songs. Very rarely do I end a show with another song. You may wonder why? Well I heard Connie Smith talking one time how you end with a song that sums you up. She always ends with "how great thou art". So I decided to always end with "I Saw The Light". That song sums me up. Jesus saved me and showed me the Light and so me singing that song is just another way of showing it! I've sang it in places where you wander if there's light at all in there. I guess that's my calling is to go to the dark places and carry the Light of Jesus there. It's amazing sometimes the joy that comes on peoples faces when I sing that song. Even in the darkest places there is always light. I see it more everyday.

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